Software Center Install Apps (12560)

Installing Applications from Software Center

As long as requirements are met, Software Center will display available Packages as well as available Applications that can be installed on a UR laptop.

You will be able to identify Applications by their icon displayed in Software Center. You can also notice other differences like the addition of “Help document” line or the Language info is no longer displayed. (See screenshots below)

Here’s an example of an available Application in Software Center:

Here’s an example of an available Software Package in Software Center:

Available Applications are installed the same way as Software Packages:

1. Select an Application and click on “Install Selected”

2. Installation Status tab will display download percentage and installation progress:

3. Once the application is successfully installed, it will display under “Installed Software” 
    tab in Software Center

4. If needed the application can be uninstalled from within Software Center by clicking on 
    “Uninstall” under installed software tab. This action will move the Application back to 
    “Available Software” Tab

NOTE: “Required” Applications cannot be uninstalled from Software Center. The “Uninstall” button will be greyed out.

Follow the steps below to remove and re-install a required Application: